PwC Recruitment

About the production
Marius Stensson, Head of Video at PwC, contacted AVIA because they needed a recruitment video that highlights all the possibilities of working at PwC. Marius had an idea for a person who changes outfits through creative transitions. A bit like the old Norwegain "Mr. Melk" commercials.

Together with cinematographer Fredrik Hinsch, we planned how to film the various transitions and what we needed to make it work well. To minimize the risk of errors on the day of shooting, we conducted quick-n-dirty pre-tests of certain transition effects.

On set, I had the role of VFX supervisor. My task was to ensure that all necessary clips were shot in a way that would work in post-production. As an added insurance, I continuously transferred the video material to a computer for quick rough cuts during recording. This allowed us to confirm immediately that the transitions were as planned. Voice over was also important to have in advance, so that the actors had something to react and time their movements to. The actual post work was done in After Effects, and took around 4 working days to cut and animate everything.

Transition effects are inspired by "Evolution of Style", which you can see below:

Production company: AVIA Production
Client: PricewaterhouseCoopers
VFX Supervision & Post Production: Lasse Leonhardsen
Cinematographer: Fredrik Hinsch
Producer: Mariel Svala
Director: Marius Stensson
Actor: Eva Verpe
Make up: Mette Johrde
Costumes: Cårejånni Enderud